

7 Essential Resources on PCI DSS Security

  Image Note from the Editor: This article was originally published in February 2017. It has been updated with resources current to PCI DSS version 3.2.1. Did you know that 80% of organizations are not compliant with PCI DSS requirements? That means, if you’re reading this, there’s a pretty good chance your company needs to...

Transferring Big Files: Everything You Need to Know

  Image We’ve all done it. Held our breath, crossed our fingers, or simply hoped for the best when hitting “send” to electronically share a large file. With a solid managed file transfer (MFT) in place, that critical keystroke doesn’t have to be so tense. With MFT, users can confidently move previously unwieldly files, knowing that...

5 Tips for Large File Transfers

  Image   It doesn't matter if you’re a small organization, a small-to-medium-sized (SMB) business, or an enterprise: at some point, you’ll likely need to exchange a large file transfer with a trading partner, third-party vendor, or client. If you don’t know how to support a large file transfer or lack the tools to execute it...
On-Demand Webinar

Accelerating File Transfers in Live Sports Production

Summary Producing live sporting event coverage has been, and continues to be, a challenging proposition for broadcasters especially with 4K resolution becoming commonplace, 8K on the near horizon and the continuing adoption of Virtual Reality (VR). With multiple cameras producing massive video files, moving all the uncompressed files for in-studio editing can be extremely...
On-Demand Webinar

Spotlight on the Petroleum & Energy Industries (featuring NICE Software)

Summary Andrea Rodolico, NICE Software’s CTO and Co-Fonder sat down with FileCatalyst’s President and Co-Founder John Tkaczewski to discuss file transfers, and how they can be accelerated using FileCatalyst Direct. They also provide a description and case study of the joint solution leveraging the NICE Software Engine Frame and FileCatalyst Direct. What & How NICE Software...
On-Demand Webinar

Accelerate File Transfers with a Software Defined Media Network

Summary Alexander Sandstorm, Net Insight’s Product Manager, sat down with Elton Carneiro, FileCatalyst’s Director of Strategic Partnerships & Cloud Services, to talk about some of the best ways to accelerate file transfers with a software-defined media network. Alexander gives viewers a high-level “Software Defined Networks 101” overview, how it helps makes media workflow...

10 Shocking PCI DSS Compliance Statistics

If you work for any organization that processes credit or debit card information, you’ve heard of the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), the regulatory standard aimed at preventing costly data breaches like the ones you may have heard about at Home Depot or TJX. But how much do you really know about PCI DSS compliance? Here are some interesting PCI DSS...

3 Data Breaches That May Have Been Avoided through PCI DSS Compliance

  Image "Dear Valued Customer, As you may have heard, on September 8, 2014, we confirmed that our payment data systems have been breached, which could potentially impact customers using payment cards at our U.S. and Canadian stores."   This is an excerpt from an actual email distributed by a large retailer, in the wake of a...
On-Demand Webinar

Aberdeen's AberFast and FileCatalyst

Aberdeen’s AberFast solution enables the quick sharing of files across the globe with their cloud-based file delivery and transcoding solution. Helping to give the digital delivery system its extra oomph in file transfer speed is an integration with FileCatalyst UDP-based technology. The partnership provides clients operating in the broadcast industry a one-stop solution to...

Meeting Compliance Regulations and Privacy Laws for Sensitive Data Transfers

  Image Comply with Data Security Requirements Highly sensitive data is exchanged between organizations on a constant basis making data security compliance more vital than ever to keep communication flowing. For instance, if a business routinely transmits financial information to their bank including payroll direct deposits and...