

How Managed File Transfer Addresses HIPAA Requirements for ePHI

As the healthcare industry transitions from primarily using paper documents and patient charts to electronic health records (EHR), the need for a secure and reliable method of sharing electronic protected health information (ePHI) has increased. Get the guide to learn how a managed file transfer solution can help meet HIPAA's PHI requirements and protect your organization internal protected...

How's Your File Transfer Process Running?

Without the right secure file transfer solution in place, transferring files person-to-person or server-to-server can sometimes feel like being behind the wheel of an outdated clunker on a long road trip to nowhere. In record time, GoAnywhere MFT can help rev up your file transfers and accelerate your solution without hitting any roadblocks. This detailed guide will help you determine: If your...

HIPAA Data Security Best Practices

Working in partnership with HealthIT Security, Fortra compiled and curated this informative white paper on the top technical, administrative, and policy expectations stemming from HIPAA. Gain a strong understanding of the types of privacy and security measures that the Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) and Office for Civil Rights (OCR) will be looking for so your organization can better...

How Do Managed File Transfer (MFT) Vendors Stack Up to Each Other?

Get a holistic view of the managed file transfer (MFT) landscape with G2’s MFT Grid Report. Download G2’s MFT Grid Report for an in-depth analysis of vendors in the MFT market space, covering: Satisfaction Ratings of the top MFT vendors based on user reviews of sellers’ ability to satisfy their needs. See how vendors like GoAnywhere MFT, Cleo, MOVEit and 9 more compare. Feature Comparisons...

Five Ways to Improve ePHI for HIPAA/HITECH with Managed File Transfer

The healthcare industry is under increasing pressure to make health information more accessible to both patients and healthcare providers, while simultaneously ensuring that patient data remains private and secure. Managed File Transfer (MFT) solutions can provide the security, control, and visibility that can help the healthcare industry address the current challenges related to the electronic...

Defending Against Data Breach

Data breach incidents are not a temporary statistical aberration, but instead represent a growing epidemic. Given the cost to both companies and their customers, it’s critical that IT teams develop a solid strategy that utilizes the most effective tools when planning to prevent a data breach. Download this data breach guide to: Examine the problems that are creating higher risks for data...

Buyer's Guide: Secure Managed File Transfer

We know finding the right file transfer solution for your organization isn’t an easy process. There are dozens of details to consider, from industry and compliance concerns to critical cybersecurity needs, and they can make choosing a vendor complex. In this ultimate buyer’s guide, you’ll find the information you need to successfully evaluate different managed file transfer solutions. We cover: ...

5 Things You Should Know About Digital Rights Management (DRM)

As the ongoing digital revolution continues to evolve the ways we do business, even the most standard practices of data security are no longer enough. “We're getting to the point where simply sending confidential information with basic encryption is no longer an acceptable method,” states Ian Thornton-Trump, CISO at Cyjax. While managed file transfer ...

4 Ways You Can Use Your Digital Rights Management Tool

    In an increasingly collaborative work environment, it’s more important now than ever before that your organization has the highest level of visibility and control possible over its data. While knowing how to choose the right data security solutions such as managed file transfer, data classification, and more is a challenge in and of itself, the...

What is Ryuk Ransomware?

  The last few years have seen a rise in stories about Ryuk, a powerful piece of ransomware that is best known for targeting healthcare institutions, but has also been attacking municipal governments, state courts, enterprises, and large universities, among others. Many of these organizations have paid hefty fees – between $100,00 and $500,000, payable...

The Surprising Relationship Between Data Privacy Laws and File Sharing

  Location, location, location. Not just the mantra of realtors and would-be buyers – it’s also a concern for data security professionals world-wide. As cloud computing has ramped up across industries, the physical location of stored data has been called into question, alongside concerns stemming from data privacy laws. Read on to discover how data...

Is it Time for a Scalable File Transfer Solution?

  One size does not fit all. If your file transfer needs and requirements have changed over the years, or even months, it’s time to consider a scalable managed file transfer (MFT) solution. Still Using Manual Scripts? Scale Up. If your IT team is still creating scripts and programs to handle your file transfers and constantly updating them as your...

What is Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS)?

    What is Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS)?   Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS) is a new pay-for-use business model used by ransomware developers where malicious actors (known as affiliates) can outsource or lease already-developed ransomware attacks the same way legitimate software developers lease Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) products. Because RaaS...

The Top Tips for Optimizing File Transfer Productivity

  The Top Two Tips for Optimizing File Transfer Productivity Transferring data securely from point A to point B is a non-negotiable for most organizations. However, that doesn’t mean that the process needs to be tedious. Don’t get bogged down by old file transfer methods that are slow and unreliable. Rather, optimize your productivity with the...

Consolidate Your File Transfers with GoAnywhere MFT

  Consolidation is the Stepping Stone to Successful File Transfers When you’re utilizing a managed file transfer (MFT) solution, consolidation is an impactful mechanism that helps you to make the most out of your file transfers. With GoAnywhere MFT, you can successfully bring together multiple different technologies and platforms all under one...

5 Reasons to Consolidate Your File Transfer Processes with MFT

  There are many reasons organizations start using managed file transfer (MFT) solutions, but one of the most impactful is consolidation. MFT solutions are a great way to achieve and maintain data regulation compliance, automate new and ongoing file transfers, and gain greater insight into data movement and user access. Discover what makes MFT one of...

SFTP and the Cloud: How to Transfer Your Data Securely

  Is SFTP Cloud Based? SFTP, Secure File Transfer Protocol, is a protocol used to transfer files between your organization, trading partners, and enterprise servers. It helps to establish a secure data connection and protect files in transit. SFTP can be used for your cloud file transfer needs, but also for any on-premises file transfers you do. SFTP...

How to Implement the Right Enterprise File Sharing Solution

  Implementation 101 An enterprise file sharing solution is an important tool for organizations to have. The benefits are practically endless – from ensuring compliance with data regulations, to streamlining transfers with automation, to the auditing and reporting capabilities – implementing the right tool is key. However, the act of implementing the...

iPaaS and MFT: What You Need to Know

Once upon a time, you carried an MP3 player to listen to music, a cell phone to text and make calls, and a book if you wanted to read. Video games and the internet? Best to use your preferred gaming device and home computer for those. Then came the smartphone – suddenly, everything is accessible from one location, and all you have to do is download the right app. Like a smartphone, iPaaS puts...
Press Release

Fortra Adds New MFTaaS Solution and Enhances Secure File Collaboration

MINNEAPOLIS June 10, 2020 – Fortra today announced a new release of its award-winning secure managed file transfer (MFT) software GoAnywhere MFT. The new version includes a release of the Fortra SaaS solution, as well as more robust collaboration via secure email and forms. With the release of its new MFTaaS offering, GoAnywhere MFT can now be deployed as a SaaS solution. This is a significant...