FileCatalyst vs. FTP – Compare File Transfer Speeds



TCP, the foundation of the internet, has been in use since the 1970s. But as the files we transfer has exploded in size since the invention of TCP, it is no longer a feasible means of efficiently sending these large files across the WAN. The serial nature of TCP means that time is wasted waiting on acknowledgments instead of sending data.

The alternative protocol, UDP, can send files faster but it lacks some of the reliability and congestion control features included with TCP.

FileCatalyst’s Co-Founder and CEO, Chris Bailey, walks views through each of the protocols and provides in-depth demos of the solution across various networks, and how FileCatalyst is immune to packet loss and latency across these networks.

What & How

FileCatalyst has taken the UDP protocol and built our own application level protocol that controls speed, the retransmission of lost packets, congestion and link capacity. FileCatalyst’s protocol sends multiple packets of data in parallel, which can be adjusted to best suite the specific needs of a transfer.


This webinar is a perfect primer for anyone who wants to understand TCP, UDP, their drawbacks, the FileCatalyst solution, and how it is able to maximize bandwidth and efficiency when moving large files across the WAN, regardless of packet loss, latency, or distance.